This article from Lawn & Garden Retailer describes how Etsy is changing commerce with personalized and handcrafted items. It’s a phenomenon greenhouses can take advantage of. Here are some ways you can personalize your shopping experience to increase sales and connect to customers.

Handcrafted Plants Being Potted

Hand Planted Means Handcrafted

Your team personally plants and cares for your products. Like products sold on Etsy, this gives them an artisan touch. Promote them as such! Incorporate a new label or logo that says, “handmade by an artisan” onto your packaging. A little can go a long way with developing a personal connection with your customers. If creating a new label, quickly and easily apply it onto current products using automation.

Use Populated Photographs for Your Labels

Using models in your marketing creates a human touch. Not just that, but it shows customers how to use your product. These days, with phone cameras taking high definition pictures, you don’t need to make a big investment to make a big impact. Just be sure that your image uses 300dpi (dots per inch) and your set! Now just by looking at your product’s label, customers can feel inspired and get ideas on where to plant their purchase.

Let The Artisan Brand Influence Your Design

How can your label communicate the care that went into each and every plant you sell? Here are some ideas to get you started.

Learn about the labeling and automation solutions that Label Gator offers. See how you can save time, money and labor with our Product Guide. Click here to download the guide.

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