Green thumbs and new gardeners alike enjoy a little privacy in their yard or on their balcony. A live fence is a great addition to a privacy fence, or a fantastic option on its own. Best yet, no building is involved. Take a look at how this fits into your customers’ lives.

Privacy Fence For The Yard

The average home owner could use a variety of bushes and trees to grow along the edge of their property. Promote the best options for your particular zone on the label! It could be as simple as incorporating a hedge icon on the bottom.

Check out the below video by Garden Answer on using North Pole Arborvitaes for privacy along their fence. This video includes the whole process of planting them, from start to finish. A guide like this is extremely helpful for customers who haven’t tackled a project this big before also.

Privacy Options For The Balcony

Whether customers are apartment renters or condo owners, privacy is important for balcony spaces. It’s a little trickier considering the limited space, but there are options. A rail planter offers some privacy, and uses the available space wisely. While these options can’t contain a bush or a small tree, they provide more coverage without taking up the space of a bush or a tree.

balcony covered in plants as privacy fence

Offering arrangements designed for coverage is another option. Customers could buy two containers for each side and keep the plants trimmed to make the best use of their space. Of course in the winter, these plants would need to be able to withstand the cold, depending on your zone. Alternatively, customers need to be aware of whether they need to print the arrangement inside before the first frost.


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