New growers often don’t realize they’re able to transition plants indoor and out as the seasons change. Create evergreen content to include on products’ label designs. It doesn’t take up much space, and it also makes a huge difference in a customer’s shopping experience.

Step 1: Create Engaging Content To Be Linked On The Labels

There are a few pieces of content that bring value and a personal touch

  • A blog walk-though featuring lots of detailed images
  • A video tutorial lead by a team member
  • An e-book designed for customer’s devices, or to be printed for their bookshelves
  • A booklet-style label where interior panels have simple, descriptive graphics
  • Add a hashtag to link customers to helpful information and community engagement

Labeling 101 Resource Center blog button Great Lakes Label - high quality

Easily link any external content using labeling technology such as NFC (Near Field Communication) or even a QR code. This saves space while also offering in-depth information customers will easily understand and follow.

Step 2: Add Content to Any Suitable Transition Plants

Tabletop herbs are fantastic examples of plants which can transition between living inside and out. In the summer, this frees up space in the kitchen, while in the winter it preserves the herbs for use. Design an arrangement to sit on a window sill and a deck railing.

Promote these plants and arrangements by incorporating the new content onto your label. Or, create a secondary label as a special promotion. Even a minimalistic black and white label with a value point graphic and QR code does the trick. Also, both of these methods require much less effort when labeling automation is incorporated into the production line.

Step 3: Follow Up & Actively Engage

Finally, be there for your customers. On social media, check your notifications and any hashtags associated with your brand, especially a hashtag specifically for transitional plants, and respond to comments. Check social media inboxes for direct messages and the company’s public email inbox as well. 

For extra credit, link to your “contact us” page, or provide a form on the online content created. So, when a customer finishes looking at your video/blog/e-book, it’s easy to get in touch. This extra effort is simple, yet goes a long way in creating a personal bond.

Learn about the labeling and automation solutions that Label Gator offers. See how you can save time, money and labor with our Product Guide. Click here to download the guide.

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