Greenhouse Grower recently released this article on adapting to a drought. One thing mentioned was the importance of focussing on drought resistant plants. Specifically, ones that have been grown outside during this climate. While greenhouses falter under the pressure of the climate, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. Based on the Greenhouse Grower article, here are our thoughts on how to be a relevant business.

Use Drought Resistant Plants

Succulents are a fantastic opportunity in this dry weather. As previously mentioned, succulents have great appeal to Millennials. This large population, combined with the spreading drought, could be a viable market. Gen X, Y & Z are all looking for simple to care for plants. These items are the perfect solution. With the population moving to metropolitan areas, these small succulents again make for a reasonable inclusion in their home.

Succulents are Perfect Plants For Drought

Conserve Water

Another solution mentioned in the article was to conserve water. This will contribute to lowering greenhouse costs. Focussing on selling hearty plants is another way to lower this cost. The less water they need, the less you use. This is also a selling point for customers. People looking to save on water would be looking for hearty plants.

Create Awareness & Label Effectively

Educating customers helps in selling your plants as well. Labeling your succulents as drought resistant is key. Making sure that label is bold and easy to read is even more important. You could even use various labeling techniques, such as foiling, to draw the attention toward these easy to care for products. Foiling could represent rays of light, emphasize a title or even emphasize the background to garner attention.

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