This article by Greenhouse Grower, talks about the many pros and cons to Amazon becoming a plant retailer. We’ve already looked at the pros and cons of e-commerce in the horticulture industry overall. That said, the potential success will be a game changer, and in a big way.

If Amazon succeeds, greenhouses need to consider moving forward with e-commerce initiatives. If Amazon fails instead, the hort industry can take the lead in providing innovative and accessible solutions.

Amazon e-commerce shopper, purchasing plants on phone

The Next Generation’s Impact

Regardless, future generations are changing the way brands interact with their customers. They’re educating themselves and going to online sources for information. That is why you should be providing your customers with online content for better understanding the world of gardening.

Then, when it comes time for new gardeners to buy, they will be fully invested in your brand.

Incorporate this content into the packaging. By incorporating QR codes that link to educational media about the plant they bought, you can make this new investment an exciting one. Or by creating applications customers can use to enhance their experience, you can build upon the bond you have with your customers. They could help customers remember to water their new plants, follow it’s growth, or better understand care.

Implement Automation Like Amazon For Efficiency

Greenhouse Grower raised the issue of balancing on-demand orders with wholesale preparation. Automation is the best way to counter this problem before it begins. By creating a LEAN process, you solve the issue of labor shortages, time management and large workloads. With a faster overall process, you have more flexibility with e-commerce orders. Invest in automation to save time and money, all while producing online orders with ease.

Learn about the labeling and automation solutions that Label Gator offers. See how you can save time, money and labor with our Product Guide. Click here to download the guide.

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