Autumn Prep: Promote Plants in Classrooms

Autumn Prep: Promote Plants in Classrooms

Classrooms with plants drastically improve students’ performance according to this NICH – National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture graphic and Greenhouse Management article. So, take time now to prep for the back-to-school season and promote plants for parents and educators alike to bring into the classroom. Not only will it improve grades and wellbeing, but plants are a fantastic educational tool.

Happy Students, Happy Classrooms

There are many ways plants improve a student’s experience at school. So, promote them. Either highlight the value points of plants at school, or focus on some of the highlights in detail. Consider how a booklet-style label expands content to provide more information to your customers, and how labeling technology links customers to any webpage of your choosing. This means more thorough information is provided, and the value of the label extends far beyond the point of purchase.

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Benefits of Indoor Plants

Indoor plants lower pollution and increase concentration. Plus, there’s so much to do with indoor plants and so many kinds to choose from. Even in wintertime, students will have a fresher environment to work in. Consider how the imagery used on your labels serves these benefits. With the space of classrooms, bigger plants aren’t much of an issue as well. In fact, imagine showcasing how students are even able to hang art from a large plant.

Promote The Educational Opportunities Plants Offer

Plants have a lot to offer in terms of education. First, they teach kids how care for something living and develop a sense of accountability. More specifically, they also provide an opportunity to teach kids why plants (and even the earth overall) are important. Edible plants make kids think more about their food and how it’s made. In a sense, it brings them more fully into the world around them the same way it does for adults. With the development of mental wellness, plants give children a productive way to stay calm and grounded (literally).

Promote Healthy Snacking

Healthy eating is a big concern for parents and educators alike. Where snacking is concentred, edible plants in the classroom offer a healthy alternative. Herbs even provide an opportunity to teach kids more about cooking also. Dare I suggest an engaging math or science lesson where students learn about measurements, and food chemistry all while developing their skills in cooking and gardening? Regardless, plants inside the classroom offer an alternative to vending machine snacks. It also offers a stress-free and embarrassment-free source of food for any student who forgot a lunch, or is going through difficult times. While it doesn’t solve any issue, it still provides a little something better than nothing.

Sensory Gardens

Of course, we’ve covered the flavorful, tactile, and visual benefits of plants. Yes, while a plant or two isn’t a full garden, they still offer some of the benefits of a sensory garden. They provide an inclusive space students can use to get creative, learn, and find joy. If school is all about engagement, how can you go wrong with inspiring kids to engage with their space. The more joy they derive from being in the classroom, the more excited they’ll be to actually be there.

Market to Parents and Educators Alike

While educators run classrooms, budgets are tight. Plus, parents often buy gifts for educators also. Consider how both demographics can start the school-year off on the right foot.


All this brings us to labeling. How do you design a label that attracts the right demographic and highlights classrooms as an ideal environment. There are several tricks worth trying, and they’re all rooted in giving customers exclusivity. Inspire them, and make it easy for them.

Various Secondary Labels With One Purpose

Create two designs for secondary labels you can add to edibles, herbs, and small florals. One label targets parents, and the other targets educators. Consider how the message varies between the two and also how the imagery does too. Even a small black and white label that says, “a great gift for teachers,” does the trick. Labeling automation provides an opportunity to add this label to hundreds of containers in a matter of minutes, so consider upgrading your current labeling procedure.

Provide Extra Content

Go above and beyond to delight customers inside and outside of classrooms. Remember, some students are homeschooled. So, what are some of your favorite (and simple) recipes that use the plant you’re selling, and offer math and science lessons to students? Add that to the inside of a booklet-style label. Or, use labeling technology to link to an inspirational classroom design video tutorial. Even if customers don’t buy the plant, they’ll remember your business as one that truly cares about its customers’ needs.

E-Commerce Variations

For customers who shop online, provide value before and after checkout. What content can you link right there in the description that tells them more about indoor air pollution and sensory gardens? When they are checking out, ask if they’re an educator via a simple checkbox. When the product arrives, how will you provide extra value for their classroom? A fairy garden figurine to spark students imaginations? A brief video course for students to learn gardening basics? Or, would you go so far as offering time to create a hands on activity in their classroom? What you do benefits the children, but it also benefits the industry. The more kids are interested in horticulture, the more horticulture they’ll grow!

Learn about the labeling and automation solutions that Label Gator offers. See how you can save time, money and labor with our Product Guide. Click here to download the guide.

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