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A Hygge Garden Sells Plants

Hygge (pronounced hue-guh) is the Danish principle of creating coziness in everyday life to increase happiness. This concept started trending in 2016 and drastically grew in 2017. Now, it's [...]

Help Customers Set Up Vegetable Gardens

Vegetable gardens provide value for gardeners in many ways, but also offer value for apartment renters with balconies. Whether indoor, or out, promoting edible plants brings in younger [...]

Growers Need to Take Pet Gardens Outside

Last month, we looked at how pet gardens attract younger gardeners and how growers create impactful labels for the trend. Now that the weather is warmer, it's time [...]

Promote Sensory Gardens As Inclusive Spaces

Sensory gardens are spaces designed to engage all of the senses and create accessible and even inclusive spaces for everyone. They're a also a space to learn, to find [...]


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