This article in Lawn and Garden Retailer explores a how e-commerce is a worrying concept for many growers. A few of the issues raised include resistance to higher, online prices, a distaste for the plant that ends up at customers doors, and a lack of interaction equating to limited success with their purchase. One simple solution is reframing e-commerce as luxury horticulture.

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What does luxury horticulture even mean?

Luxury products and luxury care go above and beyond to serve customers in ways other brands do not. That consists of above-and-beyond customer service, high quality products, and artistic design.  Online shopping requires supplementary packaging for shipping and straight to door services for a one of a kind product. So, create packaging that goes above and beyond what is offered in store.

Offer Custom & Personalized Content For Online Shoppers

Use labeling technology to link customers to blogs, video tutorials, and web pages created specifically for online shoppers. Better yet, create content for each item. Make it so that this ever-green content speaks to gardeners on a personal level about the item they purchased. This way, they get the interaction they miss in store.

Creating Luxury Plant Label Design

Use labeling techniques like foiling to create a unique look for your label, not seen elsewhere. Not only will it spruce up, and compliment, the look of the plant, but it will also excite customers into enjoying the higher price. The higher cost needs to provide them with a custom experience, especially when the updates are minor. Also, make sure the images on the website accurately represent each plant. A stock photo will only serve to disappoint. Instead, take a handcrafted approach with photography.

Learn about the labeling and automation solutions that Label Gator offers. See how you can save time, money and labor with our Product Guide. Click here to download the guide.

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