For the third year in a row there were delays for H2A workers. This article from NPR discusses how farmers have experienced losses up to $300,000 due to the set-back. On top of this, there is an aging workforce and a difficulty in hiring locally. These are significant issues to have surrounding the first months of a growing season. 

H2A worker in horticulture field - delays

Automation Eases Delays

We’ve previously discussed how automation can save time, money and labor. We even looked at how labeling automation allows for growers to focus their attention on more significant aspects of the growing cycle. The same sentiment goes for this situation. When there are delays in workers’ arrivals, ease the stress with automation. Use less employees to run machines and those tasks take up significantly less time in the day.

Plants are your products. Don’t waste time sticking labels onto tags, or propagation trays. Get back out into the field in no time, and divert a significant portion of your workers to tasks that matter.

Assume This Situation is Possible Next Year

As NPR mentioned, this is the third year in a row that delays have happened. While the reasons are different, the outcome is the same. Don’t waste more time and money due to a lack of employees. Instead, invest in automation on tasks like labeling, that don’t influence the quality of the plants you are growing. Prepare for the possibility that more delays are to come, and your strategy will help reduce the stress of waiting. 

On top of this, employees won’t be rushing to label pots and trays, allowing for a more precise application. With automation, you can guarantee high quality performance every time and ensure big box stores that you can keep up with their requirements.

Learn about the labeling and automation solutions that Label Gator offers. See how you can save time, money and labor with our Product Guide. Click here to download the guide.

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