Sansevieria, also known as “snake plant” comes in many forms. The vibrant foliage is very appealing to young gardeners since it’s similar to their favorite home addition, succulents. Sansevieria is also a fantastic plant to transition millennials from cacti into other areas of horticulture.

First, Understand Why Millennials Are So Attached To Succulents

It may already be apparent, but it’s worth stating anyway. Millennials appreciate succulents because of their easy-care, sustainability, and color variety. With more and more people living in metropolitan areas, these little plants bring life inside without taking up much space. Succulents aesthetically pair well with the growing zen gardening and mental wellness lifestyle as well. You see, it’s not purely aesthetic. Millennials understand the ways in which succulents add value to their homes.

Here’s Why Sansevieria is a Great Transition Plant

Now let’s look at the snake plant. Like succulents, this is a drought tolerant, colorfully vivid, often small plant that helps your customers breathe fresh air. Unlike succulents, they add height to a plant room or arrangement. Suddenly, young growers will be seeing their space in a new light and envisioning other plants (namely a swiss cheese plant if we’re honest) in their home.

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Snake Plants’ Drought Tolerance

As mentioned, sustainability is important to young growers. Not just because of the easy-care nature of growing a sansevieria either. Millennials and Gen Z get excited about ways to lower their footprint. A major goal for these age groups is to create a greener earth any way they can.

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Create a Label Design That Sells

The most important part about selling to young growers is labeling the value points these plants offer. Promote the fact that this is a drought tolerant, easy-care plant that can handle a variety of lighting. If need be, use a booklet-style label to expand on your information and provide more thorough information to ensure growing success.

Use high-quality and compelling images of the snake plant among succulents. By showing what the item would look like in a space similar to their home, you spark the customers’ imaginations and create a bond. Alternatively, nothing makes the vibrant green foliage stand out quite like a white background. With many young growers living in apartments, they’ll be able to envision the plant up against their own white walls.

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