The Christmas Cactus is a relatively subtle plant throughout the year. Then, once December rolls around, blooms burst open and bring new life to homes everywhere. This is an exciting plant for your customers this time of year, but they need to know how to take care of it. For new gardeners, this is extra important since failure discourages return purchases.

How to Care For A Christmas Cactus

These plants thrive on bright, indirect light. Let customers know they should place the plant by a window for best results. Despite being called a cactus, it thrives in humidity and will not survive in dry soil. In your store, offer helpful watering tools such as the Aqua Globe to make things easier. Now your new gardeners won’t worry about over-watering and get to enjoy the bloom period.

If you do not want to use an aqua-globe, and prefer a quality watering car, check out Happy DIY Home’s article on the Best Watering Can to Water Your Flower Pots and choose the best one for you!

Use In-Store Displays & Online Resources

Create blog posts, video tutorials, social media posts and in-store displays that provide customers with helpful information. Highlight helpful tools, care tips, or how to spot spot problems early. The more information the customer has access to the more likely they are to succeed. The more likely they are to get joy out their festive plant, the more interest they’ll have in gardening, and the more likely they are to return to your store. If you can provide that personal connection for customers, you’ll be their first stop every time.

Provide Useful Information on Labels

Display some of this information using booklet-style labels which allow for extended content. Smart labeling technology, which even includes adding a simple QR code to your design, connects the customer straight to your content. With our labeling automation systems, labeling promotional labels, or over-labeling existing ones is easy.

Learn about the labeling and automation solutions that Label Gator offers. See how you can save time, money and labor with our Product Guide. Click here to download the guide.

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