This article by Greenhouse Grower explores how greenhouses struggle with pricing their products. In the article, it is mentioned that Greenhouse Grower is conducting a study in order to assist the industry with more reliable methods of pricing. If that interests you, be sure to check out the link.

Jumping off from this topic, we want to explore what you might do with tags as you adjust your pricing. This solution is also relevant regarding big brands requirements. Specifically, when growers need to change the price of the plant directly on the plant tag. In the cases where these stores change the prices, the greenhouse loses all tags that have been printed using the original number.  

Alternatively, you could find yourself in a situation where you have tags with a blank, segmented spot for a price label, but are spending too much time on labeling them all by hand.

The Tag Labeling System Solutions

The solutions listed below are both completed using the Label Gator Tag Labeling System.

Before & After example of over labeling price on plant tag

Over-Labeling Incorrect Prices on Plant Tags

As seen above, instead of disposing tags with incorrect prices, you can over-label them with the correct pricing. Whether you have re-priced your items using a more accurate calculation, or a big box store would like a price adjustment, this option provides you with flexibility. As you can see, the placement is accurate. With this option, you can now re-use inaccurate tags instead of disposing of them.

Before & After example of price labeling a blank tag

Price Labeling Blank Tags

If you have left a blank space for labeling the price, you can still use the system to quickly and efficiently label the price on you tag. Now, instead of over-labeling an incorrect price, you have the flexibility to include any pricing that works for you and the big box stores.

Learn about the labeling and automation solutions that Label Gator offers. See how you can save time, money and labor with our Product Guide. Click here to download the guide.

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