Prevent Food-Borne Illness By Washing Your Hands

I said preventing food-borne illness would be simple…

Just to reiterate, you only have to do one simple thing to drastically effect the likelihood of food-borne illness. Wash your hands when handling produce. This easy tactic can reduce spread of illness by 80%. It can also reduce germs in general by as much as 50% according to Phil Tocco, Extension Educator at Michigan State University.

person holding fruit - prevent food-borne illness with washed hands

According to the FDA, an estimated 3.1 million illnesses a year are attributable to produce. Whereas 31% of the likelihood of contamination is due to health and hygiene of produce workers.

Hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds and dried on a paper towel. Only use each paper towel once. Even hand sanitizer can be effective at reducing bacteria on a worker’s hands. With statistics this high, it’s a simple task and a small cost for a larger problem.

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