Greenhouse Grower released a white paper on the state of the horticulture industry. We dug in and compiled some fascinating stats on labor in 2017. We’re going to focus on how you can solve this ongoing issue in the industry.

Greenhouse Grower's State of The Industry information on labor

Data provided by Greenhouse Grower. Infographic created by Label Gator.

What’s the solution? It’s simple.

Automation Solves Labor Issues

This is a a topic we’ve previously written about in detail. Automation creates a leaner production line and allows employees to focus on other tasks. It saves time, money and effort. These are key components to running a successful greenhouse.

Why choose to automate labeling?

There are many elements of your production line that you can automate, so why is it important to start with a labeling system? 

First of all, the plants are your products. They’re the most important part of your business. The more attention your employees can spend on the product itself, the better the result. Instead of labeling pots, they can focus on growing a healthy, beautiful plant that will delight your customers.

Flexibility is Key

A labeling system can fit into anywhere in your production line. No matter when you label in your timeline, these systems are universally handy. There’s no need to redesign your floor in order to fit it in. The system works for your business, whatever that may look like.

The labeling systems needs only one user. With H2A labor uncertainties and a lack of job applicants, this significantly reduces the number of workers required to complete the task. In no time flat, the worker is able to complete your labeling needs and return to other areas of production.

Learn about the labeling and automation solutions that Label Gator offers. See how you can save time, money and labor with our Product Guide. Click here to download the guide.

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