Air plants have similar care instructions as succulents and while we’ve looked at why succulents have great appeal to Millennials, it is time to see how you can market air plants. While succulents and enjoyed by Gen Y, air plants are not despite being another easy to care for type of plant that is currently flying under the radar for the younger generations.

air plants in hanging glass container

The same rules that apply for succulents apply to air plants. They are ideal for small spaces, they can live with infrequent watering and they don’t need direct sunlight. Better yet, the customer doesn’t need to fiddle around with soil and drainage with this item. Air plants are the ultimate plant for an inexperienced gardener or newcomer!

Educate Customers on Air Plants

Understanding the best care methods improves the chances of a sale and by applying labels that provide clear information on what the plant requires, you improve your chances of catching the customers’ eyes.  Or, creating and promoting blog posts discussing proper care will open up a wide range of people who otherwise may not have considered owning an air plant.

    Talk to Customers Where They Hang Out

    Millennials and Gen Z have a strong online presence, so capitalize on it. Create a social media community where you can provide helpful information to a variety of people or share helpful information. An active presence with a personal touch is becoming more and more important. Publish blog posts, create videos, design an infographic that creates a connection with the viewer.

    Promote Customization

    Globes and containers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. While personalization in packaging increases in popularity, so does the desire for a personal touch with products. Air plants are so versatile that they can be housed in anything or be displayed in any way! Showcasing this to the younger generations will draw them in and help them envision the plant in their own space. 

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