A new Label Gator® System is in the works & will be completed in the near future. The Pot Denester & Tray Filler is currently being made to order. This machine will separate and “denest” your trays and then insert your pots into the trays for you. It is a dual-lane system, so it can do two rows of pots into the double-wide trays at a time.

This machine can be placed in a variety of different places within your greenhouse opertaions – depending on your setup.

If you would like, this can be the first machine, before your other gators, that helps line up and fill your trays, so that they are ready to be labeled on your two-sided Label Gator®. This machine could also go at the end of your operations. For example, if you only have a one-sided Label Gator®, you may label your pots on them, then stack your pots into rows. Next, you can insert your trays and rows of pots into this machine, and it can fill the trays for you before you put soil and your plants in them.

These are just a few different ideas of how this new machine can help you. Feel free to call us for a quote to add the Pot Denester & Tray Filler to your greenhouse operations today!

Call: 1-616-657-9880

Email: [email protected]

All other future gators in the works will be posted here. Keep checking back!