Chandeliers are becoming a more common outdoor feature. There’s appeal in adding more light to a space and getting seemingly more time out of day, but also makes it easier to see when out at night. Help customers find their style and help them incorporate plants into their vision.

Yes, there are ways to incorporate plants

First of all, the chandelier will need to hang from something. Trees not only offer overhead coverage, but act as a ceiling for a light source. Also, consider how this added light changes a garden space. Help shoppers find items that will seemingly glow in the light and add to the ambiance.

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Chandeliers Fit With The Latest Trends

Obviously this style of light is popular with weddings, however more and more gardeners are incorporating chandeliers in their backyards for everyday use. This makes sense as it creates a magic effect. It’s also a satisfying alternative, or partner, to bonfires.

moon garden chandeliers

Moon Gardens

Moon gardens are spaces that extend the day by making backyards more habitable at night. This trend incorporates both light and light colored plants to bring an overall glow. So, that’s why chandeliers fit right in. They provide a beautiful, often delicate, light that serves a practical purpose. Similar to offering imagery on how a plant transitions year-round, show shoppers how the plant glows at night. Or, for trees, provide information on when branches are strong enough to withstand a hanging later, or actual chandelier fixture outfitted with solar panel lights. Best yet, create a video tutorial showing shoppers how to create a repurposed light like that.

Sensory Gardens

Sensory gardens are spaces that, believe it or not, engage all the senses as you experience it. So, these inclusive spaces offer something for everybody. Fruits and veggies for snacking or cookouts. Fragrant pollinators for fragrance and buzzing insects. Rigid stems mixed with flowing grasses. Or, dappled light for a beautiful setting at night. When promoting plants and lighting alike, promote the full sensory experience. The well-rounded consideration helps new gardeners find their horticultural passion, and experienced gardeners see their spaces in, well, new light.

garden lantern

Zen Gardens & Mental Wellness Spaces

With the advancements in this technological world, there’s become a demand for spaces to unwind. These zen garden and mental wellness spaces prioritize calming, fresh, and lifestyle oriented spaces provide room for meditation and yoga. Or, even just a moment of clarity where one can focus on caring for plants and tuning everything else out. Lighting plays an important role. When there’s soft pools of light, or even a bunch close together, it creates a calming effect. What’s fantastic about this trend is that it incorporates both home owners and apartment renters. You can still have a balcony escape, or a living room corner dedicated to plants and tranquil lighting.

outdoor kitchen and dining room with lighting

Outdoor Kitchens

Picnics, cookouts, and bonfires all benefit from creating well rounded decor. When foodscaping is common, this even turns the space into more of an outdoor kitchen as ingredients can be easily pulled from the garden for dinner. Lighting not only creates the homey atmosphere, but it also seemingly extends house space into the backyard. It makes the space more livable and accessible.

garden lightsCreate Seasonality

Consider the practical nature of lighting. It’s a perfect way to make outdoor workspaces more useful when days are shorter. Or, even show the versatility in moving lights from the patio space in the summer, to the walkway for Halloween, to the driveway for winter shoveling. The more versatility there is, the more lighting is worth to your shoppers.

Design Labels to Highlight Lighting

With labeling technology and booklet-style labels, you don’t have to make lighting a front and center promotion. However, as mentioned above, the information offers plenty of value. As a result of incorporating it for those who need it, you’ll build loyal return shoppers. When you put in the extra effort to provide value, you’re building relationships.

Innovative Techniques

For imagery, emphasize the glow of a chandelier with the shine of foiling. The more innovative techniques enhance the label design, the more you’ll draw customers eyes right where you want them. Plus, it creates a more realistic image which makes it easy for customers to envision lighting in their own spaces. Just like the light will glow in their garden, you want customers to see the label glowing from across the store.

Labeling Technology

With a simple url or custom hashtag, you digitally transport customers to inspiration and valuable information with an insignificant amount of space. NFC (Near Field Communication) also offers the digital link once a phone (that has the feature turned on) is in proximity. So, use this to your advantage and make it simple for customers to access all information on the topic which would prove valuable to them.

Booklet-Style Labels

Don’t want to limit space on an already small label? Don’t! Use a booklet-style label to expand your content space. Plus, when customers open up the front panel to read more on the topic, they create a haptic connection with your label. So, when they pick up the container and peel open the label, the tactile aspect creates positive subconscious associations they otherwise wouldn’t make. Not to mention that the content itself will create a positive association with your brand.

Learn about the labeling and automation solutions that Label Gator offers. See how you can save time, money and labor with our Product Guide. Click here to download the guide.

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