There’s no question that roses are a popular and classic choice for Valentine’s Day shoppers. That being said, this holiday is an opportunity to draw customers into your store and showcase options that they would love. Instead of solely targeting rose sales, incorporate all that your greenhouse has to offer.

flower arrangement with roses

Perfect Pairings

Create a mixed container arrangement using roses and other plants with similar care needs. Then, create a custom label, using a festive name. In order to get care instructions for all plants together in an easy to read format, consider using a tri-panel label. Instead of getting cut roses, you can encourage customers to buy the whole plant. Create promotions on social media, or run advertisements.

Alternatively, by arranging a few types of “perfect pairings” near your display of roses (cut or not), you can encourage customers to take home a plant that could provide them with beautiful blooms for their handmade bouquet. On top of that, if these plants are annuals, they can provide more beautiful bouquet materials. Again, special labeling on these pairings would emphasize the connection between the two plants.

Alternatives to Roses

While many enjoy receiving cut flowers, others prefer getting plants they can actually care for on an ongoing basis. Promote alternatives, especially easy to care for plants. It just might turn a black thumb green! This is especially applicable to plants that bloom in pink, purple and red. Creating a label that emphasizes how easy the plant is to care for can influence the sale. QR codes included on the labels can easily link your customers to helpful information on caring for the plant, or video tutorials. 

You can also create a marketing campaign leading up to the holiday with infographics, video tutorials and blogs that promote your alternative options. By informing followers why other plants are better options, or showing DIY gardening projects that apply to the items you’re selling, you can create hype for your greenhouse. Once again, running advertisements is a fantastic way for people outside of your network to discover your brand and develop an interest in visiting.

Think Spring

By the time February comes, many people are ready for spring. Provide customers with a plant they can keep indoors, and then transition to outside when the time is right. Whether that’s a plant that would remain in a pot, or one that can be planted straight into the garden, this allows customers to take more interest and build a personal connection with their gift. Especially with younger people, greenhouses often struggle connecting with them. The personal touch can be a budding passion in gardening. 

Learn about the labeling and automation solutions that Label Gator offers. See how you can save time, money and labor with our Product Guide. Click here to download the guide.

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