This article and video from Garden Center addresses various combination trends from PanAmerican Seed. One of their creations is a flower, herb and vegetable mix for meal creation. The idea is that gardeners will be able to go to a single container to help create a meal while it still looks beautiful. With gardening moving indoors, this concept keeps the product close to the kitchen, right where it’s needed.

celery plant growing for meals

Segment Combinations by Meals

Customers are disconnected from gardening, in part, due to the fact that they don’t understand how plants can be useful in their everyday life. This practical combination is a fantastic solution. It gives them access to affordable meal solutions and healthy products. Plus, they don’t have to wonder about what went into raising the food they eat, because they are the ones who grew the plants.

By segmenting each container into meals, you can make it easier to design the arrangement. You also make it easier for customers to connect to the product and see themselves using it. It’s a win win.

As an example, if you’re creating a “pizza” combination, you could include a beautiful red daisy, a tomato plant, spinach and basil.

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Provide Plant “Recipes”

On the packaging it will be important to provide enough information on using the plant.  Include how long it will take to grow and recipe ingredient specifications. Make sure to include and highlight the amount required from each plant. By creating this broad recipe, you put the power in the customer’s hands to grow.

Have Fun With Label Design

Let’s take a pizza combination as an example again. Why not create a label that looks like a slice? Or, create a label that looks like a pizza where the slices containing important information. Customers can pull off slices and stick them to the fridge. Take a light-hearted approach that is both helpful to the customer and entertaining.

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